Submissions have to be made through following link
Paper template: ALECTOR-2016-style-model-paper
Presentation Template 1 template_powerpoint_alector-1
Presentation Template 2 template_powerpoint_alector-2
Guidelines – Papers for Review :
We are inviting submissions of both theoretical and empirical research papers related to the following specific topics:
1.Standardization in tourism – a new approach based of R&D and ICT;
2.Local developments and international networking through heritage products and services; Climate change and the historic environment, natural and cultural heritage risks and hazards;
3.Smart specialization and financing of local tourism development based on heritage valuing an assessments;
4.Teaching methods for novel professional profiles, future experts in heritage, tourism and hospitality industries, including cultural communication and the interpretation of heritage;
5.Anthropological cultural heritage, tangible and intangible heritage assets as a main identity pillars for socio-economic development and community cohesion;
6.Topics in natural heritage management, architectural conservation and protection of monuments and fabric.
The list is not exhaustive. For additional thematic sessions a minimum 10 submitted papers are requested. The submitted papers should have different authors and not with the same institutional affiliation.
A maximum one paper per author is accepted.
Only papers that are presented in the Conference’s sessions will be published in Conference Proceedings and will be published on-line.
There is no participation fee for the Conference registration.
For social events and study visits participation is fee up to a maximum limit of 120 participants.
The travel and accommodation is in the participants responsibility. The organizing committee will help Conference participants with specific information.
1.Standardization in tourism – a new approach based of R&D and ICT;
2.Local developments and international networking through heritage products and services; Climate change and the historic environment, natural and cultural heritage risks and hazards;
3.Smart specialization and financing of local tourism development based on heritage valuing an assessments;
4.Teaching methods for novel professional profiles, future experts in heritage, tourism and hospitality industries, including cultural communication and the interpretation of heritage;
5.Anthropological cultural heritage, tangible and intangible heritage assets as a main identity pillars for socio-economic development and community cohesion;
6.Topics in natural heritage management, architectural conservation and protection of monuments and fabric.
The list is not exhaustive. For additional thematic sessions a minimum 10 submitted papers are requested. The submitted papers should have different authors and not with the same institutional affiliation.
A maximum one paper per author is accepted.
Only papers that are presented in the Conference’s sessions will be published in Conference Proceedings and will be published on-line.
There is no participation fee for the Conference registration.
For social events and study visits participation is fee up to a maximum limit of 120 participants.
The travel and accommodation is in the participants responsibility. The organizing committee will help Conference participants with specific information.