The SEE/B/0016/4.3/X SAGITTARIUS EQF Diploma certifying Qualifications and Competences of Heritage Interpreters via a European Certification System (EQF). The objective is to launch the professional certification of individuals with increased capacities in Heritage Interpretation. The SEE/B/0016/4.3/X SAGITTARIUS EQF is clearly demonstrating synergies with the European Qualifications Frameworks for Lifelong Learning, CEDEFOP, Skills Supply and Demand in Europe: medium-term forecast up to 2020, 2010. The SEE/B/0016/4.3/X SAGITTARIUS EQF validated the professional profile of for heritage interpreters with a 3-Step Certification System: Evaluation of candidate’s experience in Heritage Interpretation; on-line Test; Pilot Project Plan presented to the Advisory Board and completion of GOLDEN BOW, The e- and distance Course of the SEE/B/0016/4.3/X SAGITTARIUS. Alternatively to the EQF Certification, Certifications of Attendance of the e-Course will be issued for participants that have attended the e-Course (Modules 1-4).
RESULTS : By delivering individuals with increased in the interpretation of heritage, the certification is offering professional qualification, enabling especially women, young researchers and young professionals to improve their professional statuses. The certification testifies the holders’ expertise cultural diversity issues, unlocking values of tangible-intangible resources on a spatial, social, and spiritual level. Novel skills acquired, enable holders to interact with a series of social partners across the EU and promote thus the uses cultural values for development: by guaranteeing the mental, emotional and spiritual accessibility of heritage resources to different users, and by raising the users’ awareness cultural values are acknowledged and accepted and the protection-use conflict is thus greatly mitigated. By effectively managing leisure time for non- captive audiences holder may remove barriers between expert knowledge and general knowledge.