Plenary Session of The NGO SAGITTARIUS

The NGO “SAGITTARIUS” with seat in Guilmi, Italy, inherits the Project Legacy: THE OPEN COLLABORATIVE NETWORK: 360 Satellite Partners from the 3 spheres of state, society and economy are bound to the Partnership as holders of non-statutory Cooperation Agreements. Upon Project completion the Transnational Non-Profit Non Governmental Organization “SAGITTARIUS” is co-founded by the Partnership and Satellite Partners, to ensure further diffusion and sustainability of achieved results.

PROJECT LEGACY: _e NGO SAGITTARIUS shall inherit 1 cultural infrastructure with 112 highly transferable tools for the heritage sector to manage cultural values for sustainable development: standards, practices, indicators, methodologies, positions, guidelines, training and certification in heritage interpretation, 11 cultural heritage plans and applications. It will be guided by a Heritage Strategy Plan for the period 2015-2020.

SYNERGIES: synergetic actions across South East Europe beyond the Project’s life time, promote heritage entrepreneurship, using cultural values as an agent for development and social cohesion. Thus entrepreneurial innovation is supported through the combined efforts of 360 multilevel actors in 8 countries across South East Europe.

FUTURE ACTIONS: _e NGO SAGITTARIUS ensures the viability of achieved results and the continuation of the collective voice in the domain of heritage and culture. By inspiring future actions across South East Europe, the NGO SAGITTARIUS will further contribute the development of a creative spirit and cultural heritage entrepreneurship in South East Europe.